Michael Eckersley

Michael Eckersley was interesting to listen to. I was surprised to find out some of the work he has done because they are really popular logos like "Yum" brand and "Intermountain Healthcare."
He is part of a research group called Human Centered, they do human research and design planning. He encouraged the exploration of discovery. Not to forget about the audience and the people. He suggested that a lot of designers now days have too much of an ego and they think about themselves and not about the audience like they should. He says we are part of a innovation gap; we know how to make it, we just don't understand what to make. We need to view the world with fresh eyes. I like what he said about taskmasters are individuals who get good at something and then they do something else to get out of their comfort zone, in the end they are a very intellectual being because they know how to do many things. I made this graph below...it shows how Michael Eckersley has labeled the designers in today's world, I found it quite interesting.